The result is a plot in a floating window above the spreadsheet. This formula contains the name of the Wolfram API and references to the parameters the API requires. =WolframAPI("/Documentation/Example/PlotNumbers", Parameter("data", C9:C17)) The following is the formula used in the Excel worksheet: The worksheet contains a formula with the Excel function, WolframAPI, which calls the Wolfram Cloud. Load the example spreadsheet and go to the Basic worksheet.Īltering one of the parameter values will trigger a recalculation, calling the Wolfram Cloud. It calls a Wolfram API with two parameters and adds them together. This example shows the basics of how to call a Wolfram API from Excel. To download the example spreadsheet, go to the CloudConnector for Excel resources webpage. This section is for Excel users and shows how to run through the example spreadsheet, which contains Excel functions that call Wolfram APIs. If you have not installed the CloudConnector for Excel, please see the Setup and Getting Started section for more details on the installation process. It uses pre-deployed Wolfram APIs to show how a Wolfram Cloud can be called from Excel.

This section is designed for Excel users and developers of Wolfram APIs.